Ironic Dogs
Isn't it ironic that the traits people value the most in dogs reduce their lifespan?
Purebreds have requirements designated by the
AKC if they are to be considered true purebreds. Certain characteristics are peculiar to their race and allow them to be called purebreds. And yet it's the mutts that live the longest. By perpetuating purebred lines, dog lovers are reducing their pets' lifespans.
Ironic English
Isn't it ironic that departments of education can correct for students not meeting standardized test requirements by simply lowering the requirements?
This is True reported that:
Britain's Qualifications and Curriculum Authority has decreed that secondary students must not be penalized for misspellings when taking an important hour-long test -- on English proficiency. The spelling standard was loosened when only 71 percent of 14-year-old students managed to "reach the level expected in English" against a target of 75 percent. (London Telegraph) ...Nt srprsng thx 2 txt msgs.
I've heard of similar things happening in the States, too, but it sure is ironic that standards aren't really standards and what we consider levels of competency are so easily altered. A Sign Of The Times.
Ironic License
Isn't it ironic that some people are pushing for using state Driver's Licenses to be used for identification in voting and forcing these licenses to become almost a national ID, while in California today their state senate approved bill SB60 to allow illegal aliens to get a driver's license?
Sure they need to be trained if they're driving on California highways, but that throws federal immigration laws out the window. Let's give illegal aliens benefits! Forget enforcing immigration laws and deporting them! Let's welcome them and give them a license? What the hell are the California state senators thinking?? If we can find them to give them a license, why can't we find them to deport them? Or at least to make them follow proper procedures for entering our country! Instead we'll reward lawbreakers! Great! That's the American Way!