19 April 2005

Ironic Doctrine

Isn't it ironic how so many Catholics want the new pope to be more inclusive?

I know some Catholics who honestly believe there are many ways to God. Which makes me wonder why they're still part of the Catholic Church. What ever happened to Extra Ecclesia Nulla Salus? Are these people honestly expecting the staunch and conservative defender of Catholic doctrine, who just this week spoke out against relativism, to contradict it and be accepting of other religions as permissible ways to God? I expect just the opposite. Possibly even an ex cathedra proclamation this first year that reaffirms the doctrine that there is no salvation outside the Church. After all, dialogue with other religions is not the same as embracing other religions. If people don't believe this traditional and ancient doctrine, they don't belong in the Church and, dare I say, are not truly a part of it! They'd be better off becoming Buddhists.


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