Ironic Happiness
Isn't it ironic how nothing can be purely joyful? There always seems to be some sadness mixed in. You can't have something good without something bad, something happy without something sad (there's a song there, somewhere).
Just when you feel that you've conquered the school year, you realize you have to say goodbye to your friends. Just when you think "this person that I recently met is very special," you find out they've screwed up their life or have terribly annoying habits. Just when you think the summer rain is nice, lightening hits a pole near your house and you loose power. For every happy thing that happens in your life, it seems there's got to be a downside. Why can't anything just be purely happy?
Ironic Beliefs
Isn't it ironic how we treat Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and God the same way?
We don't physically see any of them, so belief in their existence is a matter of faith. Proving their existence becomes an argument that can't be ultimately proven in this life. We also have some basic expectations of them, and if they don't act, we take things into our own hands and act "on their behalf."
In some ways, how we relate to any of them (or fairies or house elves or other folkloric beings) is the same. We don't see them, but we've always been told that they exist. Their relationship to us is usually limited to one particular facet of life or one day of the year or something, and if we don't see them acting the way we would expect, we give the gifts ourselves or hope we had the blessing of God and act anyway... that kind of thing. While I do believe in God and don't mean to belittle him, it IS rather ironic how we act the same way toward him as we do toward these other entities.