Ironic Desires
Isn't it ironic that we always want what we don't have, and dislike whatever we do have?
When it's warm, we wish we were cold; when it's cold, we wish we were warm.
When we're single, we wish we were married; when we're married we wish we were single.
When we need a good job, we wish we had one; when we have one, we wish we had something else.
When we're broke, we wish we had money; when we get money, we wish we had more.
When we get decent car, it's not long before we wish we had a better one, and complain about what we've got. The same goes for almost anything else we get.
The old adage, "Familiarity breeds contempt," is really true after all.
Ironic School
Isn't it ironic that as college students we paid a TON of money to attend, then did everything we could to get out of going to class?
In the end, though, I think it came down to paying for the degree, which is what we were really after. Why do more work than you have to? Isn't that the American way? So since we have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for that college degree, we figure we're already putting our life-blood into it, so why do any more work than absolutely necessary? Just find ways to enjoy the time and make friends and get at least two parties in a week, and as long as you pass your classes, you win.
Ironic Movies
Isn't it ironic how some moviemakers go to great lengths to get historical details right, but then completely overlook others?
I rented Gladiator this weekend and was intrigued by the commentary of the producer that ran during the movie. He talked about how hard they worked to get details right or, when historical details were lacking, to figure out what logically must have happened. And yet they never commented on how the thumbs-up, thumbs-down symbolism was backwards. When the emperor put his thumb down, it meant "ground your sword" or stick your sword in the ground. That meant the victim would live. When his thumb was up, it meant, "keep your sword up" or kill him. Not only did the movie get it wrong, but the commentators never even talked about it during those scenes. Here's a good article on the subject:
Ironic Weather
Isn't it ironic how Spring pretends to come, even suckers the tulips and robins in, and then we get dumped on again with more snow? Just when you think things have stabilized, the weather changes again. There's just no opportunity to get used to anything.
And, you know, we go through the same thing in the Fall! It's nice and warm and still September. We try to pretend it'll never end. Then we get that first cold snap and POP! out come the sweaters and coats from our cedar chests or closets or vaccuumed-out Space Bags! We know all too well that it will be staying warm for a while, but we react and fall for it, just like the spring flowers.
Ironic Movies
Isn't it ironic that we watch a movie on the Big Screen, and even go back to see it a couple times, because it was "sooo good!" And then it comes out on DVD and we just HAVE to have it. Usually the first week it's out. Then maybe we'll watch it once after we bring it home, but then it just sits on the shelf, ignored. Because, after all, we've SEEN it three or four times now!
Ironic Waiting
Isn't it ironic that when we're waiting for a store clerk or phone support person, we want them to hurry up with the other people, but then when they're working with us, we want them to take their time?
I do that all the time. I'm waiting on the phone for AOL Tech Support because I'm tired of screwing around with their online "help" screens, and wish they'd just finish with those other jerks who shouldn't be licesned to use a computer anyway, and help ME! And when I'M finally on the phone with them, I want them to patient and helpful.
Same goes for garage mechanics. "Get that piece of crap out of there and start working on MY piece of crap!"